Files should be supplied including bleeds. Print will be returned at the finished sizes. Please ensure all artwork is centred within the document page. Please ensure no excess artwork remains on the artboard.
A5 finished size = 210mm x 148mm, with bleed = 216mm x 154mm A6 finished size = 148mm x 105mm, with bleed = 154mm x 111mm
A6 long finished size = 210mm x 74mm, with bleed = 216mm x 80mm
A7 finished size = 105mm x 74mm, with bleed = 111mm x 80mm
DL finished size = 210mm x 99mm, with bleed = 216mm x 105mm
Square finished size = 99mm x 99mm, with bleed = 105mm x 105mm
Credit Card finished size = 85mm x 55mm,with bleed = 91mm x 61mm